Advent Calendar with Christmas Facts

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Christmas in German-Speaking Europe

Select today’s date or any previous date in our special German Advent calendar below to see the Christmas Fact of the Day. Special days in December are indicated by a red number. Note: Our calendar begins on December 1.

The calendar image below does not work with most cell phones. We hope to have a mobile version soon.

2023 Advent Calendar

1. Dezember 2. Dezember 3. Dezember 4. Dezember 5. Dezember 6. Dezember 7. Dezember 8. Dezember 9. Dezember 10. Dezember 11. Dezember 12. Dezember 13. Dezember 14. Dezember 15. Dezember 16. Dezember 17. Dezember 18. Dezember 19. Dezember 20. Dezember 21. Dezember 22. Dezember 23. Dezember 24. Dezember

Learn more about Christmas (Weihnachten, VYE-NAHK-ten) in Austria, Germany and Switzerland via our special Advent calendar and the Christmas Fact of the Day. Clicking on a window of this Advent calendar reveals the Christmas fact for that day. During the four weeks of Advent you’ll learn 24 facts about the Christmas celebration in German-speaking Europe. You’ll discover how many of the Christmas customs in the English-speaking world (and elsewhere) have come from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. But there are also some customs that are still unique to Europe.

More on The German Way
Advent in Germany – About the Advent celebration leading up to Christmas

For more about Christmas in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland see the “Related Pages” links below.

CALENDAR IMAGE: A Berlin Schwibbogen
Photo by Chris Hinz McGinnis – Calendar design by Designers for the Arts

QUIZ: Advent and Christmas Quiz 1 – A 10-item self-scoring quiz related to Christmas traditions

Next | Christmas from A to Z

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