The GW Expat Blog

It’s not quite cheese, it’s not quite yoghurt

May 20, 2015
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Quark 2I first heard of quark (such a wonderfully German name) 7 years ago in the “exotic” dairy section of a high-end UK supermarket in London. I was with my German husband. “Oooh” he exclaimed, with tangible excitement, “Look, quark – shall we get some?” I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about and when I asked what quark was he couldn’t really tell me. “It’s a bit like yoghurt,” he said, “Only thicker, more like cream cheese.” Nevertheless, we took home this mysterious dairy hybrid and I was an immediate convert. So what’s the excitement all about?

If you’re new to living in a German-speaking country, the chances are you’ll have noticed quark. A staple of German cuisine, it features prominently in supermarket fridges, bakery counters, cafe menus and Kindergarten meal plans alike. But to call it a cross between cheese and yoghurt is to do it a disservice. Quark is unique. True, technically-speaking it is somewhere between the two. Like yoghurt, it’s made from soured milk, but the starter culture used for quark is different and provides a significantly less sour taste. Like cream or cottage cheese, it’s mild and creamy, but it is without salt. Being salt-free is only the beginning of its nutritional qualities; it’s higher in protein than yoghurt and, in its full-fat form, is a great source of vitamin K2, which helps keep calcium in your bones. Amazing! 

Beyond this, the remarkable thing about quark is its versatility. It works for every meal and indeed every course, whether sweet or savoury. Have it with muesli and honey for breakfast, mix with chopped herbs and put it on top of a baked potato at lunch, bake it into a cake or a pastry late afternoon, use it as the dressing for a cucumber salad for your evening meal and then slather it over strawberries at the end. It’s no wonder the Germans (and many other Northern Europeans) go mad for it. But there’s more – it comes low fat, normal (20%) and extra creamy (40% – the tastiest of all) and, if you don’t feel like preparing food, even pre-mixed with fruit or vanilla or chocolate or herbs in all good supermarkets.

Two of our family’s favourite quark recipes to serve as your inspiration

Kraüterquark mit Salzkartoffeln (Herb quark with boiled potatoes)

Boil a pan of new potatoes (peeled or not, depending on your preference). Meanwhile, blitz a good bunch of parsley, wild garlic and chives in a food processor. Add a full tub of 40% quark, along with a dash of mustard and sprinkle of pepper. Pour in a splash of milk. Mix again until you have a smooth, light green coloured mixture. Season to taste (though I think the mustard provides salt enough). Put into a bowl. Serve together with the potatoes and a green salad.

ErdbeerquarkErdbeerquark (Strawberry quark – inspired by the arrival of this year’s strawberry huts in Berlin)

Take a large punnet of strawberries. Rinse, de-stalk and quarter. Macerate the strawberries by sprinkling them with sugar (only a little), stirring well to ensure all are coated, covering with clingfilm and leaving to stand for at least an hour. This will draw out the juice. Shortly before serving add a full tub of 40% quark. You may need to add a splash of milk to loosen the quark. Stir well, until all the strawberries are covered in a smooth, creamy, pink sauce.

And a final tip – courtesy of my parents-in-law, long-standing quark devotees…

If you want to eat quark on its own, or perhaps with a sprinkle of nuts, seeds and dried fruit, as a snack or dessert, tip a tub of quark into a bowl and add a dash of sparkling mineral water. Then stir. This will make it lighter and deliciously smooth.

I trust that quark will be on your next shopping list. Enjoy!

About Chloe D
Freelance writer, blogger and marketer, Chloe grew up in Hull, England, and then studied History and German in Oxford. During her student year abroad, she fell in love with Berlin and vowed to return one day. Following a seven-year stint living and working in London in publishing and education consultancy, she married a German, and moved to Berlin, where she still lives with her husband and five-year-old twins.


  1. Erin "ebe" Porter

    oh Quark. I remember a German foreign exchange student trying to explain what he was looking for when living with us in the States. Blank stares. Still don’t know what to do with it – or I didn’t before this post. Thanks Chloe!

  2. Avatar

    Thanks, Ebe. Try it and let me know what you think!

  3. Avatar

    Thanks Chloe for this delicious article. Being located in Germany, I just returned from the grocery store after picking up a package of Quark. Yes, it is yummy. After enjoying it though, my bad conscience haunted me. When I were to admit this to my German wife, she will surely scold me “Was machst Du aber für einen Quark! Wolltest Du nicht Diät halten.” She would scold for the “nonsense” of not keeping my diet — but it tasted so good. I guess she might then backtalk to me: “Quack hier nicht so rum.” I am not to sound like a frog. I think I ought to stop here because I might be turning out unappetizing…

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