The GW Expat Blog

Birthday Etiquette

May 6, 2015
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Nothing unsettles a German quite like wishing him or her a Happy Birthday before the actual birthday. The tradition of precision isn’t just in engineering appliances or designing public transport. In Germany, birthdays are also measured with exactness. I grew up with the relaxed approach to birthdays that is typical in North America: wish me happiness a day or two before, if my birthday is on the weekend; wish me happiness on the day if we happen to see each other; wish me happiness after the day has passed. All birthday wishes are welcome, and I don’t mind spreading out the happiness! The same approach goes for North Americans and birthday celebrations: Birthday parties can take place on the day, in the approximate week, or even six months later (these are half-birthdays, often celebrated for children born around Christmas, in order to spread the joy and gift-giving throughout the year).

When I moved to Germany, I was surprised to discover that Germans recoil in horror if you wish them Happy Birthday (“Alles Gute zum Geburtstag“) before their birthday! It is considered bad luck to do so: in a curiously un-German form of superstition, they find it off-putting to be congratulated before having reached the actual day. (It reminds me of their fear of drafts, which Hyde has written about before).

Wonderfully, however, Germans love to wish each other well on birthdays, so you will receive many calls once you have acquired some German friends. The string of phone calls on your birthday is even better than a string of Facebook messages – the phone calls represent the best of the thoughtful, dedicated, caring nature of German friendships. In order to reciprocate, you should make note of your friends’ birthdays and be sure to call them on their day too!

Should you be brazen and choose to wish a German a Happy Birthday in advance of the actual day of celebration, be warned: they will not accept the well-wishes. I therefore often include a preamble along the lines of “As an American the bad luck doesn’t apply to my salutations, as that doesn’t exist in my culture… Happy Early Birthday!” and I hope that my gentle teasing will ease their discomfort, or at least provide amusement.

Some other birthday traditions you might need to know about:

– Bring treats to work for your colleagues (this is equally valid for men and women)
– Bring treats to school for your child’s class
You buy if you are out with your friends (read Sarah’s post on this too)
– Celebrate birthdays on the day whenever possible. Only if absolutely necessary should the celebration be moved to the following weekend (but NEVER the weekend before!)
– If you host a party at home, prepare with plenty of food and beverages. Don’t open the bottles of wine your guests bring: these are gifts. Open the wine you bought for the party, and keep the gifts for another time. (This is a subtle cultural difference that surprised me on my return to North America!)

Have I forgotten anything? Have you had surprising experiences with the simple pleasantries around birthday culture? Do you know whether half-birthdays also exist in Germany? Let us know in the comments

About Ruth
Ruth spent 12 years living and working in Germany. She is fluent in the German language and most aspects of German culture, although some will remain ever elusive... She currently lives in Canada with her wonderful German husband and their two amazing children.


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    one more thing: the Germans generally do not serve birthday cake and ice cream on a plate at the same time (one can receive both, but has to finish one in order to receive the other).
    – yes, I am German and it still strikes me funny when people here in the US offer me both at once.

    and although most people in Germany speak English as well, it might take a German that does not speak English by surprise, if you offer him/her a “gift”, since that means “poison” in German and is one of the few words that is spelled (besides the capital G in German) and pronounced the same.

    And giving a gift that has “mist” involved could get one a funny look too – since that is the other word that is spelled (besides capital M in German) and pronounced the same, yet it means “cow manure” in German.

    and that was all I could think of
    since I used to live on the boarder to Denmark I finish this with a toast:
    “skål” (danish for “Prost”)

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